It's offered to your attention the new catalogue of ALL SOVIET AND RUSSIAN COSMONAUTS of the last century - flown and not flown with many details and interesting photos. This book is "just released" and the most complete edition besides the others for today. The authors are Marinin, Shamsutdinov, Glushko. It's in Russian. It is published in 2000 (!) in Moscow by Cosmonautics News publishers on 410 pages.
Here is the contents of the book: Format - about 9x11 inches. Condition - NEW! See pictures when downloaded.
The text description about each cosmonaut contains: | |||||
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Find more Russian space collectibles!Photos, documents, manuscripts, space suits, flown hardware, cosmonauts and scientists autographs, space mail, spacecraft models, books, newspapers, souvenirs, space food, pins, patches, stamps and much more!Starting from Tsiolkovsky sketches, through the First Sputnik, Laika and Gagarin flights, as well as early Soviet manned Vostok and Voshod program and Moon program headed by Korolev, first EVA by Leonov, space disasters and success, Salyut, MIR space stations, until ISS and nowadays. Improve your space collection with real things! | |||||
Happy buying! |