It's offered to your attention the unique letter where Stalin expresses his full approval for industrial intellectuals purge in Ukraine initiated by proposal of Nikita Hruschev in 1938 when he became the First Secretary of the Ukraine Communist Party Central Committee. In other words, this letter shows that Stalin accepted Hruschev's proposal to execute the intellectuals.
After Stalin's death in 1953, Hruschev leaded the Soviet Union. So, this document is a sample of intelligent people liquidation organized by two Soviet leaders - the current (Stalin) and the future (Hruschev).
The goal of this document is Stalin's approval on Hruschev's proposal letter regarding intellectuals liquidation.
Typed proposal letter text says:
I request your approval for realization of industrial intellectuals purge in Ukraine.
From December 1938 to March 1939.
N.S. Hruschev [signed]
Stalin crossed March 1939 and wrote "December" above, then he wrote on the left:
I.Stalin [signed]
Besides Hruschev and Stalin the document is also approved (signed) by:
- Red Army Commander Marshal Kliment Voroshilov;
- Central Committee Secretary Lazar Koganovich;
- Minister of Foreign Affairs Vyacheslav Molotov;
- Minister of the Board of Trade Anastas Mikoyan.
The document has many incoming and outgoing numbers and some short annotations.
Accidentally the document has been taken and kept by one of the secretaries from Politburo. After his death the family decided to make this document available for sale. They asked to keep his name in secret for understandable reasons.
The COA can be given to the buyer upon request.
Format - A4.
Condition - good. Please see the scan.
Signatures comparision
I found the 3 signed documents in Wikipedia. They are presented below for signatures comparision.